Nonsense Game

Player name:
Number of players:
Number of questions:
Rules of the game "Nonsense" (1 player): The player only answers the short questions that the computer asks, the player does not see the main question. Examples: the main question is “What is under your bed?”, The short question is “What?”. You need to answer 5, 10, 15 or 20 questions, after that the game stops, the player reads his answers to the questions.

Game Rules "Nonsense" (2 player): Each player in turn invents and asks his own questions, and also answers the questions of the second player. First you need to write the main question, then a short one. After the second player answers your question, he asks his own. You need to answer 5, 10, 15 or 20 questions, after that the game stops, the players read their answers to the questions. Examples: the main question is “What are you doing in the morning?”, The short question is “What are you doing?”, The main question is “Where do you go at night?”, The short question is “Where?”.